Terms and Conditions of Individual Associate Membership

1. Associate Membership Applications
  1. Applications for associate membership will be considered by the BWRC who have the right to refuse applications.
  2. By submitting an application form by email, the Associate Member is deemed to have signed the application form.
  3. All information provided by you to us must be true and accurate at the point of applying. In the event of a change of circumstances such as moving jobs, change of contact details you must notify the BWRC by phone, email or in writing so that our records are up to date.
2. Membership Payments, Renewals and Cancellations
  1. Associate Membership is £15 per person per calendar year starting on 1st April. Associate Membership will be activated at point of approval of the application but payment must be received within 30 days of application.
  2. Payment can be made by cheque, BACS or Standing Order. If Associate Membership payment remains outstanding we will notify you by telephone, email or letter.
  3. It is the member’s responsibility to advise the BWRC of their intention not to renew. Subscription payments not received within one month of becoming due will result in the membership being considered lapsed and all services or benefits may be suspended pending payment. However, Associate Membership charges will continue to accrue, until resignation is received in writing, subject to the cancellation procedure outlined below. To cancel your membership you will need to notify us in writing stating a reason which will be recorded for internal use only. Refunds will not be given for cancelled memberships.
Individual Associate Membership rights and responsibilities.
  1. Associate individual non-voting membership of the BWRC does not count as membership for legal purposes; therefore Associate Members do not have any voting rights, legal obligations to act in the interests of the BWRC, or any liability to contribute to the assets of the BWRC on dissolution.
  2. Associate membership belongs to the individual and not to the organisation regardless of who pays for the membership. Any dispute arising from this must be resolved by the member and their organisation. You will be issued with a membership number which you should use when calling us to help identify you quickly.
  3. It is the Associate Member’s responsibility to keep their membership number confidential. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw Membership or to prevent any Member from renewing if the Member is misusing the membership benefits (for example, allowing someone else to use the benefits of their membership package).
4. Associate Membership Benefits
  1. Associate Member benefits are only available if subscription payments are up to date.
  2. Associate Member benefits may change without notice.
  3. Associate Members are permitted to use the BWRC Associate Member logo (not the Associate Organisation logo) for the purposes of self-promotion, but not for the promotion of a wider organisation.
  4. If an Associate Member is found to have contravened the terms and conditions stated in 4.3 membership may be terminated by the BWRC without prior warning.
5. Terminating Membership
  1. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw membership or to prevent any Associate Member from renewing membership if the Member brings the BWRC into disrepute.
  2. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw membership if the Associate Member is deemed to have misused the membership privileges.
6. Variation of Terms & Conditions
  1. These terms and conditions may be revised from time to time. If they are revised, we will post or email the revised version to you. It will be your responsibility to keep up-to date with all such changes and your continued membership shall be deemed acceptance of any changes to these terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions of Individual Associate Membership

1. Associate Organisation Membership (AOM) Applications
  1. Applications for AOM will be considered by the BWRC who have the right to refuse applications.
  2. By submitting an application form by email, the AOM is deemed to have signed the application form.
  3. All information provided by you to us must be true and accurate at the point of applying. In the event of a change of circumstances the AOM must notify the BWRC by phone, email or in writing so that our records are up to date.
  4. Associate Organisations are required to provide evidence of engagement in external staff and/or volunteer development relevant to wildlife rehabilitation (this must be external to the associate organisation but does not have to be a BWRC event). BWRC reserves the right to withhold/ withdraw membership in the absence of adequate evidence of CPD (a minimum of one event every two years).
2. Associate Organisation Membership Payments, Renewals and Cancellations
  1. Associate Organisation Membership costs £75 per organisation per calendar year starting on 1st April. Membership will be activated once the application has been approved and the first payment has been received.
  2. Payment can be made by cheque, BACS or Standing Order. If Associate Membership payment remains outstanding we will notify you by telephone, email or letter.
  3. It is the AOM’s responsibility to advise the BWRC of their intention not to renew. Subscription payments not received within one month of becoming due will result in the membership being considered lapsed and all services or benefits may be suspended pending payment. However, AOM charges will continue to accrue, until resignation is received in writing, subject to the cancellation procedure outlined below. To cancel your membership you will need to notify us in writing stating a reason which will be recorded for internal use only. Refunds will not be given for cancelled memberships.
3. Associate Membership Rights
  1. AOM of the BWRC does not count as membership for legal purposes; therefore Associate Organisations do not have any voting rights, legal obligations to act in the interests of the BWRC, or any liability to contribute to the assets of the BWRC on dissolution.
  2. AOM belongs to the organisation regardless of who pays for the membership. Any dispute arising from this must be resolved within the Associate Organisation. The Organisation will be issued with a membership number which you should use when calling us to help identify you quickly.
  3. It is the Associate Organisation’s responsibility to keep their membership number confidential. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw Membership or to prevent any Member from renewing if the Member is misusing the membership benefits (for example, allowing someone from outside of the organisation to use the benefits of their membership package).
4. Associate Membership Benefits
  1. Associate Organisations are permitted to use the BWRC Associate Organisation logo for the purposes of self-promotion on any of their organisational materials, including website.
  2. Associate Organisations are entitled to purchase an unlimited number of tickets for BWRC events at the membership price, providing that those tickets are for the exclusive use of paid staff or regular volunteers for the Associate Organisation
  3. BWRC will provide e-mail notifications to up to 10 e-mail addresses within the associate organisation. The associate organisation is then free to circulate BWRC notifications to other staff and volunteer members of the associate organisation.
  4. BWRC may agree to promote events organised by the Associate Organisation if asked to do so, at the discretion of the BWRC board of trustees
  5. AOM benefits are only available if subscription payments are up to date.
  6. AOM benefits may change without notice.
5. Terminating Membership
  1. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw membership or to prevent any Associate Organisation from renewing membership if the Associate Organisation risks bringing the BWRC into disrepute.
  2. The BWRC reserves the right to withdraw membership if the Associate Organisation is deemed to have misused the membership privileges.
  3. If an Associate Organisation is found to have contravened the terms and conditions stated in 5.1 and 5.2, above membership may be terminated by the BWRC without prior warning.
1. Variation of Terms & Conditions
  1. These terms and conditions may be revised from time to time. If they are revised, we will post or email the revised version to you. It will be your responsibility to keep up-to date with all such changes and your continued membership shall be deemed acceptance of any changes to these terms and conditions.

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Here is a list of UK wildlife rehabilitators. You can search by town or city to find the nearest facilities in your area.

The British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council cannot inspect or endorse any wildlife rescue centre or rehabilitator, although organisations and individual members of the BWRC do demonstrate a commitment to training and development.

We do our best to keep this list up to date. Please contact us to notify us of errors or changes. If you are a practising rehabilitator but your details are not already on this page, let us know here. If you’d like to become a BWRC member you can apply here.

Animals In Need

All wildlife

Array4Hogs Hedgehog Rescue


Athena Animal Rescue

All wildlife

Barn Owl Project Hampshire and Bird of Prey Hospital

Birds of prey

Blyth Wildlife Rescue

All Wildlife

Bolton and Bury Swifts

Swifts and Hirundines only

Brent Lodge Bird & Wildlife Trust

Birds & small mammals

British Wildlife Rescue Centre

All wildlife

Brockworth Hedgehog Rescue


Burntisland Hedgehog Haven


Call of the Wild Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Claire Nuttall

Swifts (other small birds if necessary)

Columbines Wildlife Care

All wildlife - strictly appointment only - open for advice and admissions from 9am to 7pm 7 days a week.

Cuan Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

CW Wildlife Rescue

Small mammals

Darren Bailey

Small Mammals and Birds

Dorset Hedgehog Rescue


East Sussex Wras

All wildlife

East Yorkshire Badger Protection Group

Badgers. We will always aim to rescue an injured badger, we only use experienced badger specific rescue-recover-release establishments.

Elm Wildlife


Emily Mayman

Temporary housing for seal pups and raptors

Farplace Animal Rescue

All wildlife

Folly Wildlife Rescue Trust

All except adult deer

Gabo Wildlife

Only swifts, swallows, house martins and night jars

Gentleshaw Wildlife Centre

All wildlife

Gower Bird Hospital

Birds & small mammals

Hal’s Urban Hedgehogs


Hamble Hedgehogs Rescue


Hart Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Hawk Conservancy Trust

Birds of prey

Hedgehog Care

Hedgehogs only

Hedgehog Helpline

Hedgehogs. The helpline has four hospitals across South East Wales.

Hedgehog Welfare

Hedgehogs only

Hedgepigs and Hoglets Rescue

Hedgehogs and small wild mammals

Henbrook Hedgehog Rescue


Herefordshire Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Highland Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Hiraeth Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Hunstanton Sealife Sanctuary

Seals only

Hurst Hedgehog Haven


International Otter Survival Fund

All Wildlife

Kent Wildlife Rescue Service

All wildlife

Kildare Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Lancashire Hedgehog Care Trust

Hedgehogs only

Laxey House Bird Rescue


Lesley Helliwell

Bats only

Lower Moss Wood Wildlife

All wildlife

Lucky Hedgehog Rescue


Marine and Wildlife Rescue

Seals, birds of prey, garden birds, waterfowl, native reptiles, amphibians and small mammals

Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital


Mr Wally Awol and Friends IOW Wild Bird Rehabilitation

All native birds (mainy pigeon & doves)

New Arc Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

People for Animal Care Trust

Birds and Mammals

Prickleback Urchin Hedgehog Rescue


Prickles and Paws Hedgehog Rescue


Prickles Hedgehog Rescue

Hedgehogs only

Rangers Lodge Wildlife Hospital CIO

All wildlife except pigeons, small garden birds and gulls

Romsey Hedgehog Lady


RSPCA Eastwinch Wildlife Centre

All wildlife

RSPCA Mallydams Wood Wildlife Centre

All wildlife

RSPCA Oak & Furrows

Hedgehogs, garden birds, gulls, ducks, bats.

RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre

All wildlife

RSPCA West Hatch Wildlife Centre

All wildlife

Runham Wildlife Rescue

Birds and Small Mammals

Ryedale Rehabilitation Centre

All wildlife

Scottish SPCA National Wildlife Rescue Centre

All wildlife

Secret World Wildlife Rescue

All Wildlife

Shepreth Wildlife Park

Hedgehogs only

Simon Furmage


South Essex Wildlife Hospital

All wildlife

South of Scotland Wildlife Hospital

All wildlife

Tamworth & District Hedgehog and Bird

Hedgehogs, garden birds, birds of prey, polecats

The Barn Owl Trust

Owls only

The Bird of Prey Project

Birds of prey & owls. Veterinary practice and rehabilitator referral only. No direct admission from the public.

The Cornish Seal Sanctuary

Seals only

The Fox Project

Foxes (will attend others if possible)

The Hogsprickle Wildlife Rescue

Hedgehogs, small mammals, birds and reptiles

The Hulse Towers Hedgehog Refuge


The Wildlife Haven

Mainly small birds

Thorne Hedgehog Rescue C.I.C.


Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital

All wildlife

USPCA Wildlife Wildlife Rescue

All wildlife

Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

All wildlife

Valley Forge Native Wildlife Refuge

Birds & small mammals

Wadars Animal Rescue

Domestic & All Wildlife

Waterlooville Hedgehog Rescue


Welsh Mountain Zoo

Seals only

Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary

Birds & small mammals

Wild Bird Rescue Dorset


Wild Hogs Hedgehog Rescue


Wild Things Rescue

All Wildlife

Willow Wildlife Rescue

Mammals waterbirds, birds

World Owl Trust


Yorkshire Swan Rescue Hospital
